RHM - support page for aid and assistance groups

interested ? Looking forward to your enquiry - just use the contact form below !

How it works

after having received your user credentials (username and password):

1. Call up the "RHM helper platform" (link in the top-menu)
2. Log in with your username and password,
3. Call up "MAP" - the electronic map of the assigned work area will be shown,

4. Depending on the authorization it is now possible to

>> Set markers, define and pinpoint tasks new, change or delete existing ones (as "team leader")

>> change/adopt the status (color) of markers/tasks according work progress or situation changes (as "helper")

>> get an overview about the actual situation (as "user")

Additionally the electronic maps - sourced by the public OSM-map material -  also quickly provide other helpful information.

The potential / access to the RHM platform is always EXCLUSIVELY made available to an usergroup.

The information is NOT PUBLIC visible/accessible, but only for the registered users and according their account


that's it .. easy, fast and accurate - and specific to YOUR INITIATIVE!



How to register

The service can be booked with us at moderate prices.

After booking and clarifying of eventually questions,
the person responsible for the initiative receives 3 accounts:
- an "team leader" account (can set, change, delete markers) - typically the responsible team-manager
- an "helper" account (can change the status of a task) - typically a team member
- an "user" account (have access, but canNOT make changes and/or adoptions) - e.g. allowed users for insight into situation.
These accounts are assigned to the respective care area (a municipality, a district, a parish, etc.).
The tasks can then be managed accordingly in this area.
The monthly billing is done in advance.

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  Data protection is not only a matter of concern, it is also our practice: Access is only possible with the corresponding account data - and only for the area in question! The user alone decides who gets which access rights and options and can revoke them at any time The user with the manager account alone decides which information, when and for how long it is presented to the team members on the website The user group also decides which symbols / markers have which meaning We ensure the operation and availability of the system for 24/7 operation The computers and data are in their own highly secure data center in Austria information is used exclusively by the user and for the application The initiative is solely responsible for the content! There are no further evaluations and analyzes - neither from us as a provider nor from third parties! When an account expires / is terminated, the data that is still available is completely deleted and the backups are also purched. The booking must be actively extended and otherwise ends at the end of the month

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